fs = require 'fs'
vm = require 'vm'
path = require 'path'
{Lexer} = require './lexer'
{parser} = require './parser'
helpers = require './helpers'
SourceMap = require './sourcemap'
Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Jeremy Ashkenas Copyright (c) 2013,2014 Michele Bini
CoffeeScript can be used both on the server, as a command-line compiler based on Node.js/V8, or to run CoffeeScript directly in the browser. This module contains the main entry functions for tokenizing, parsing, and compiling source CoffeeScript into JavaScript.
fs = require 'fs'
vm = require 'vm'
path = require 'path'
{Lexer} = require './lexer'
{parser} = require './parser'
helpers = require './helpers'
SourceMap = require './sourcemap'
The current CoffeeScript version number.
exports.VERSION = '1.8.0-reflective.24'
exports.FILE_EXTENSIONS = ['.refcoffee', '.litrefcoffee', '.refcoffee.md', '.coffee', '.litcoffee', '.coffee.md']
Expose helpers for testing.
exports.helpers = helpers
Function wrapper to add source file information to SyntaxErrors thrown by the lexer/parser/compiler.
withPrettyErrors = (fn) ->
(code, options = {}) ->
helpers.code = full: code
fn.call @, code, options
catch err
throw helpers.updateSyntaxError err, code, options.filename
delete helpers.code
Map of filenames -> sourceMap object.
exports.sourceMaps = sourceMaps = {}
Compile CoffeeScript code to JavaScript, using the Coffee/Jison compiler.
If options.sourceMap
is specified, then options.filename
must also be specified. All
options that can be passed to SourceMap#generate
may also be passed here.
This returns a javascript string, unless options.sourceMap
is passed,
in which case this returns a {js, v3SourceMap, sourceMap}
object, where sourceMap is a sourcemap.coffee#SourceMap object, handy for doing programatic
exports.compile = compile = withPrettyErrors (code, options) ->
{merge, extend} = helpers
options = extend {}, options
if options.sourceMap
map = new SourceMap
fragments = parser.parse(lexer.tokenize code, options).compileToFragments options
currentLine = 0
currentLine += 1 if options.header
currentLine += 1 if options.shiftLine
currentColumn = 0
js = ""
for fragment in fragments
Update the sourcemap with data from each fragment
if options.sourceMap
if fragment.locationData
[fragment.locationData.first_line, fragment.locationData.first_column]
[currentLine, currentColumn]
{noReplace: true})
newLines = helpers.count fragment.code, "\n"
currentLine += newLines
if newLines
currentColumn = fragment.code.length - (fragment.code.lastIndexOf("\n") + 1)
currentColumn += fragment.code.length
Copy the code from each fragment into the final JavaScript.
js += fragment.code
if options.header
header = "Generated by CoffeeScript #{@VERSION}"
js = "// #{header}\n#{js}"
if options.sourceMap
if (filename = options.filename)?
filename = fs.realpathSync filename
delete sourceMaps[filename]
answer = {js}
answer.sourceMap = map
answer.v3SourceMap = map.generate(options, code)
Tokenize a string of CoffeeScript code, and return the array of tokens.
exports.tokens = withPrettyErrors (code, options) ->
lexer.tokenize code, options
Parse a string of CoffeeScript code or an array of lexed tokens, and
return the AST. You can then compile it by calling .compile()
on the root,
or traverse it by using .traverseChildren()
with a callback.
exports.nodes = withPrettyErrors (source, options) ->
if typeof source is 'string'
parser.parse lexer.tokenize source, options
parser.parse source
Compile and execute a string of CoffeeScript (on the server), correctly
setting __filename
, __dirname
, and relative require()
exports.run = (code, options = {}) ->
mainModule = require.main
Set the filename.
mainModule.filename = process.argv[1] =
if options.filename then fs.realpathSync(options.filename) else '.'
Clear the module cache.
mainModule.moduleCache and= {}
Assign paths for node_modules loading
dir = if options.filename
path.dirname fs.realpathSync options.filename
fs.realpathSync '.'
mainModule.paths = require('module')._nodeModulePaths dir
if not helpers.isCoffee(mainModule.filename) or require.extensions
answer = compile code, options
code = answer.js ? answer
mainModule._compile code, mainModule.filename
Compile and evaluate a string of CoffeeScript (in a Node.js-like environment). The CoffeeScript REPL uses this to run the input.
exports.eval = (code, options = {}) ->
return unless code = code.trim()
Script = vm.Script
if Script
if options.sandbox?
if options.sandbox instanceof Script.createContext().constructor
sandbox = options.sandbox
sandbox = Script.createContext()
sandbox[k] = v for own k, v of options.sandbox
sandbox.global = sandbox.root = sandbox.GLOBAL = sandbox
sandbox = global
sandbox.__filename = filename = options.filename ? 'eval'
sandbox.__dirname = path.dirname filename
define module/require only if they chose not to specify their own
unless sandbox isnt global or sandbox.module or sandbox.require
Module = require 'module'
sandbox.module = _module = new Module(options.modulename || 'eval')
sandbox.require = _require = (path) -> Module._load path, _module, true
_module.filename = filename
_require[r] = require[r] for r in Object.getOwnPropertyNames require when r isnt 'paths'
use the same hack node currently uses for their own REPL
_require.paths = _module.paths = Module._nodeModulePaths process.cwd()
_require.resolve = (request) -> Module._resolveFilename request, _module
o = {}
o[k] = v for own k, v of options
o.bare = on # ensure return value
js = compile code, o
if sandbox is global
vm.runInThisContext js
vm.runInContext js, sandbox
exports.register = -> require './register'
Throw error with deprecation warning when depending upon implicit require.extensions
if require.extensions
require.extensions[ext] ?= ->
throw new Error """
Use CoffeeScript.register() or require the coffee-script/register module to require #{ext} files.
exports._compileFile = (filename, sourceMap = no) ->
raw = fs.readFileSync filename, 'utf8'
stripped = if raw.charCodeAt(0) is 0xFEFF then raw.substring 1 else raw
answer = compile(stripped, {filename, sourceMap, literate: helpers.isLiterate filename})
catch err
As the filename and code of a dynamically loaded file will be different from the original file compiled with CoffeeScript.run, add that information to error so it can be pretty-printed later.
throw helpers.updateSyntaxError err, stripped, filename
Instantiate a Lexer for our use here.
lexer = new Lexer
The real Lexer produces a generic stream of tokens. This object provides a thin wrapper around it, compatible with the Jison API. We can then pass it directly as a "Jison lexer".
parser.lexer =
lex: ->
token = @tokens[@pos++]
if token
[tag, @yytext, @yylloc] = token
@errorToken = token.origin or token
@yylineno = @yylloc.first_line
tag = ''
setInput: (@tokens) ->
@pos = 0
upcomingInput: ->
Make all the AST nodes visible to the parser.
parser.yy = require './nodes'
Override Jison's default error handling function.
parser.yy.parseError = (message, {token}) ->
Disregard Jison's message, it contains redundant line numer information. Disregard the token, we take its value directly from the lexer in case the error is caused by a generated token which might refer to its origin.
{errorToken, tokens} = parser.lexer
[errorTag, errorText, errorLoc] = errorToken
errorText = if errorToken is tokens[tokens.length - 1]
'end of input'
else if errorTag in ['INDENT', 'OUTDENT']
helpers.nameWhitespaceCharacter errorText
The second argument has a loc
property, which should have the location
data for this token. Unfortunately, Jison seems to send an outdated loc
(from the previous token), so we take the location information directly
from the lexer.
helpers.throwSyntaxError "unexpected #{errorText}", errorLoc
Based on http://v8.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/src/messages.js Modified to handle sourceMap
formatSourcePosition = (frame, getSourceMapping) ->
fileName = undefined
fileLocation = ''
if frame.isNative()
fileLocation = "native"
if frame.isEval()
fileName = frame.getScriptNameOrSourceURL()
fileLocation = "#{frame.getEvalOrigin()}, " unless fileName
fileName = frame.getFileName()
fileName or= "<anonymous>"
line = frame.getLineNumber()
column = frame.getColumnNumber()
Check for a sourceMap position
source = getSourceMapping fileName, line, column
fileLocation =
if source
functionName = frame.getFunctionName()
isConstructor = frame.isConstructor()
isMethodCall = not (frame.isToplevel() or isConstructor)
if isMethodCall
methodName = frame.getMethodName()
typeName = frame.getTypeName()
if functionName
tp = as = ''
if typeName and functionName.indexOf typeName
tp = "#{typeName}."
if methodName and functionName.indexOf(".#{methodName}") isnt functionName.length - methodName.length - 1
as = " [as #{methodName}]"
"#{tp}#{functionName}#{as} (#{fileLocation})"
"#{typeName}.#{methodName or '<anonymous>'} (#{fileLocation})"
else if isConstructor
"new #{functionName or '<anonymous>'} (#{fileLocation})"
else if functionName
"#{functionName} (#{fileLocation})"
Generates the source map for a coffee file and stores it in the local cache variable.
getSourceMap = (filename) ->
return sourceMaps[filename] if sourceMaps[filename]
return unless path?.extname(filename) in exports.FILE_EXTENSIONS
answer = exports._compileFile filename, true
sourceMaps[filename] = answer.sourceMap
Based on michaelficarra/CoffeeScriptRedux NodeJS / V8 have no support for transforming positions in stack traces using sourceMap, so we must monkey-patch Error to display CoffeeScript source positions.
Error.prepareStackTrace = (err, stack) ->
getSourceMapping = (filename, line, column) ->
sourceMap = getSourceMap filename
answer = sourceMap.sourceLocation [line - 1, column - 1] if sourceMap
if answer then [answer[0] + 1, answer[1] + 1] else null
frames = for frame in stack
break if frame.getFunction() is exports.run
" at #{formatSourcePosition frame, getSourceMapping}"
"#{err.toString()}\n#{frames.join '\n'}\n"