RepRap Calculator v3
Proudly brought to you by Josef Prusa. It took some time though, please consider donation.
Useful set of calculators for RepRap users.
Optimal print settings
Nozzle diameter
Free extrusion diameter in mm
Layer height in mm
Width Over Height
- Multiplier, gives you line width after multiplying layer height.
- Affects print detail.
- Affects maximal overhang angle possible.
- WOH smaller than 2.0 produces weak parts.
- WOH bigger than 3 decreases the detail of printed part, because of thick line.
Warning! WOH is under 2.0, that will cause your parts to be weak and easy to break.
Warning! You'll have troubles printing infill because your extruded line cross section area is smaller than minimal extrusion cross section area for stable extrusion. Try bigger layer height or bigger WOH. If you need to use this, set up 100% infill. Ideally get a smaller nozzle for this job ;-)
Warning! You will be extruding too much from your nozzle. It will make the unsupported line (infill) soggy and cause many other problems. Try smaller layer height or smaller WOH.
Firmware settings
Steps per mm for leadscrews
Motor step angle
Driver microstepping
Leadscrew pitch
Motor pulley teeth count
Leadscrew pulley teeth count
1:1 for direct drive, like a Prusa.
For example: 2560 = (((360/1.8) * (1/(1/16)))/1.25h)*(1 / 1)
Set it in configuration.h in your firmware.
Steps per mm for belts
Motor step angle
Driver microstepping
Belt pitch
Tooth count
Steps per mm = ((360°/Motor step size°) * (1/Driver microstepping))/(Belt pitch * Tooth count)
For example:
80 = ((360°/1.8°) * (1/(1/16)))/(5 * 8)
Set it in configuration.h in your firmware.
Extruder calibration
Extrude button clicks
Extruded length per click in host
Old extruder steps/mm (50 is same as in the linked article)
Marked length on filament (30 is same as in the linked article)
Extruder steps/mm = ( extrude button clicks * extruded length per click * old extruder steps/mm ) / marked length on filament
Thermistor lookup table generator
Kindly done by nathan7. This script allows you to create lookup table for thermistors for use on Arduino based electronics. Take the data from the thermistor datasheet. If you don't have a clue what datasheet is, ask someone on IRC to generate the lookup table for you.
r0 t0 Beta r1 r2 Sample countAxis calibration
Expected move length
Actual move length
Old steps/mm
new steps/mm = (expected move length/actual move length) * old steps/mm
mm/s to gcode feedrate
G1 X90.6 Y13.8 E22.4 F3000
gives a feedrate of 3000 millimeters per minute. The calculator below will convert the millimeters per second speed used in Skeinforge to the feedrate used in gcode.
Feedrate = (mm/s)*60
gcode feedrate to mm/s
G1 X90.6 Y13.8 E22.4 F3000
gives a feedrate of 3000 millimeters per minute. The calculator below will convert the feedrate used in gcode to the millimeters per second speed used in Skeinforge.
mm/s = Feedrate/60