# # Try <htmlcup> in real-time here! # htmlcup.html5Page -> @head -> @title "htmlcup, caffeinated HTML" @cssStyle "body { background:cyan; font-size:18px; }" @body -> @h2 "@htmlcup - Generate HTML5 with CoffeeScript" @p "htmlcup has CoffeeScript's convenience and power, and is readily extensible" @p "Read more about:" @ul -> @li -> @a href:'http://github.com/rev22/htmlcup', "htmlcup" @li -> @a href:'http://coffeescript.org', "CoffeeScript" @h2 "Demonstration" @p "Move mouse or click the center of this page, to see or modify the code for this page in real time!" @h4 "Loops: print cubes of numbers from 1 to 10" @span title:"Cube of #{x}", "#{x*x*x} " for x in [1..10] @h4 "Scripting: simple clock" @p id:"clock" @coffeeScript -> updateClock = do (c = 0) -> -> document.getElementById("clock").innerHTML = "#{("|/-\")[c=(c+1)%4]} #{new Date}" setInterval updateClock, 125